
Sunday, January 22, 2012


I borrowed a recipe idea from another blogger and felt the need to share after I made them (you can visit her, and this recipe, at She was not joking when she said how amazing these lil thingies are! I used Flaky Buttery Pillsbury crescent rolls which made them a little drier than perhaps they should be however they were a great stray from the usual lunch. Maybe next time I will brush a little butter on the roll before baking or maybe I will add a little sauce inside the roll. These are the perfect after school snack! 

Are you ready for some easy, cheap, and totally awesome pepperoni roll do-hickeys??!

Here’s what you need:

1 roll of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls (usually come 8 in a roll)

4 pieces of string cheese – Cut each one in half to give 8 in total

Approximately 32 slices of pepperoni

Other pizza toppers if desired

Ranch or pizza sauce for dipping

Baking sheet (I used my favorite air bake pan)

Get ready to roll!

1.      Separate each crescent from the roll and place 3-4 pepperoni slices on the dough, starting at the narrow, pointy end.

2.      Place a piece of string cheese at the wide end of the dough and start to roll.

3.      Roll each one and, if you added more goodies other than pepperoni, curve the dough so it keeps everything in. 

4.      Bake in preheated (this is the key to evenly cooking everything!) oven at 375° for about 15-17 minutes. Don’t these look yummy?!

5. Bake until they are a delicious golden brown and get ready for some awesomeness! Don’t forget to heat your sauce – You can’t dip hot food into cold sauces, yuck. (There should be a law against that!) 


6.      ENJOY!!  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Other Uses for Shaving Cream

Now I don’t know if you are anything like me, but when Noxzema is not on sale, I buy men’s shaving cream to shave my legs. I mean, it just HAS to be gentle on my legs since it is made for a man’s face and is gentle to not cut them (we know what big babies they are when they’re hurt!). I was scouring the Web today and looking for multiple uses for the items I buy anyway. One of those items is shaving cream and here are a few alternative uses for it.

1.       Kids Crafts

Spray the shaving cream on the table and let the kids at it. Food coloring could be used to add color but if you are like me and have a white table, I’m not so sure I would want a big blue stain smack dab in the middle of it. It’s an easy clean-up but just remember that whatever scent you buy is what scent will fill your kitchen.

2.       Cleaning

Use shaving cream to clean your mirrors (I know what you’re saying right now and no, it does not leave streaks!), chrome fixtures and shower doors. Um, perhaps I should let Madison keep “wasting” my shaving cream next time I see her playing Karate Kid and doing her “wax on, wax off” with it on the shower door. But shhhh, let’s keep this a secret because if she knows it’s helping she won’t do it anymore =) … Oh! One more thing: I would recommend only cleaning your bathroom though otherwise your whole house will smell like your husband’s face after he shaves. 

3.       Squeaky door?

Lube it up with shaving cream. Not sure how often you would need to add any (I haven’t done this yet) so you would have to let me know! 

These are some good uses for something we (some of us anyway) buy on a regular basis. A can of shaving cream is very affordable ($1.19 at Wal-Mart) and is better for the environment than all of those other chemical cleaners out there. Plus there is not a need for gloves and it leaves your hands smooth!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Events of 2011

As we came to the end of 2011 and began a new year, many programs, media outlets, and magazines have been reflecting on events of the past year. Since those events seem to be showering the news waves, I thought I would share some of them here also. Of course there have been some great events but there have also been really ridiculous ones (um, like of course everything that has to do with the Kardashians). Let’s take a look at just some of the events that took place in the year 2011.

1.       The Royal Wedding – Many people thought this was over sensationalized but on a personal note, I viewed it as witnessing history. Since the untimely death of the Princess herself, Diana, her sons Princes William and Harry have had the world watch them grow from young boys into the very respectable men they have become. People from all over the world watched as Kate Middleton lived out the dream of almost every little girl. 

2.       The Joke Wedding (Oh I’m sorry – The Kardashian Wedding) – Then we have this joke of a wedding that is now thought to be a publicity stunt. Kim Kardashian wouldn’t even be famous of not for her “LEAKED” sex tape. After a whirlwind engagement, Kim married Kris Humphries in an over-the-top spectacle and filed for divorce just a short 72 days later, citing “irreconcilable differences.” Are you kidding? People argue and disagree, especially when the entire world is eyeing up their every move. Seventy-two days is not long enough to reconcile differences sometimes but filing for divorce is not the best solution. Of course we don’t know their whole story but we know everything else about the Kardashian clan, so why not this? What’s an even bigger slap in Humphries’ face is that he found out about the divorce filing through the media – just like everyone else! I say we should all boycott the Kardashians!

3.       The Death of Amy Winehouse – Amy Jade Winehouse passed away on July 23, 2011 as a result of her struggle with drugs and alcohol. Whether you enjoyed her music or not, it is tragic when someone so young succumbs to such an awful disease. If you have never had an addiction or known someone who has, understanding what the sufferer goes through is unimaginable. Just remember, it may have been their choice to start (and many people blame the sufferer because of that reason alone), but we don’t know their reasons for starting. It is important to understand they are struggling and try to be understanding. So, rest in peace, Ms. Winehouse.

4.       Charlie Sheen leaves Two and a Half Men – Charlie Sheen left his show for us only to be stuck with someone just as nauseating – Ashton Kutcher. I used to like that show because Charlie was … well, he was Charlie. 

5.       America’s Heroes, Seal Team 6, brought down America’s Most Wanted – Osama bin Laden was killed by American Forces, ending a decade-long hunt through the mountains of the Middle East. Putting all conspiracy theories and speculation to the side for a moment, the largest manhunt in the world was finally over as the world celebrated his death . President Obama announced that all troops would withdraw by the end of the year, bringing joy to all the families of deployed service members. The saying “Freedom isn't Free” sure rings true. Countless men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice for us to have the very freedoms we take for granted. Please, when you see a man or woman in uniform, take a moment to shake their hand and simply say, “Thank you.”  My husband is a Marine veteran and when people walk up and shake his hand, when we are just out and about, makes him feel like the price he paid is appreciated. Expressing thanks and gratitude makes those deployments a little easier, and reminds them of why they do what they do. God bless America!

I have decided to place a photo of my Marine instead of posting an image memorializing the man who changed The UNITED States of America.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What are you thankful for?

                I have been through a stack of trials and tribulations over the last year and a half or so and tonight I just feel the need to talk about some things I am thankful for. I think it is important to remember the things that make you smile no matter what you are going through. Many people only express their thanks when it is the Holiday season but I think it is immensely important to do it all year long.

Here is what I am thankful for:

1.       First and foremost, my kids! - My life changed when I was 19 years old and just out of high school when I had my daughter. I believe wholeheartedly that she is what saved my life. I was heading down the wrong road but she brought me back to reality and made me realize that I now had the best job in the world, and that was being a mother. I raised her alone and sometimes I wonder if I did okay but then there are days where I know she will make the right decisions when she is faced with certain things. She gives me a hard time most days but what can I say, she is just like me. She is strong and intelligent … and stubborn! Tyson came along 7 years later and clung to life for the first couple weeks. He was so tiny and fragile but was so strong and full of heart all at the same time. My boy beat every odd that was stacked against him. There was never any doubt he was mine =) … Both of my babies were born fighters. They are the reason I wake every day and keep on keepin’ on. I would be so lost without them.

2.       My job – I am very thankful to be able to go to work every day. I spent a year off of work and though it had its benefits it was nice to finally get back into the working world. With my time off I was able to reconnect with my children after missing so much of their lives (I worked 60 hours per week) and I was able to graduate with honors from college. As much as I was able to do with my time off, I have never felt better than to say I have to work tomorrow. For those of you who gripe about work, in today’s economy, hang on to it, because there are plenty of people willing to take it from you.

3.       My friends – I have some absolutely amazing friends that I would anything and everything for. I do not have many friends but the ones I do have are friends for life. They are by my side no matter what I am going through but they are also true enough to tell me when I am at fault. I respect them for that because they feel comfortable enough to be able to say that to me. But they also know that I will be the same with them. And they respect me for that as well. I love them all!

4.       This is where most people would say “God” – I will say that I definitely believe there is a higher power out there somewhere but this is a touchy area so I will avoid it altogether. I will just say that I am thankful for waking every morning and being able to see my babies grow up and hear them laugh.

5.       The ability to learn, and appreciate knowledge – I have always loved to learn new things. I have the ability to learn anything (except algebra! I don’t know why that subject even exists) and use that to my advantage. I put myself through EMT school just for something to do. I believe that the more knowledge you have the better person you will be all around. Don’t ever stop learning!

Those are just a few things that I am thankful for. This is not an all-inclusive list but it covers a great deal of why I keep pushing myself through all the hard times. When times get tough I have to step back and remind myself why I do the things I do, and why I stay away from the things that are toxic to my children and myself. I weed out the things that are not doing us any good and are only bringing us harm. They may not understand some of those things now but they will in time, and I hope they will know that I do the things I do for them.

What are you thankful for? What is your motivation for dragging your exhausted behind out of bed every morning?