
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Events of 2011

As we came to the end of 2011 and began a new year, many programs, media outlets, and magazines have been reflecting on events of the past year. Since those events seem to be showering the news waves, I thought I would share some of them here also. Of course there have been some great events but there have also been really ridiculous ones (um, like of course everything that has to do with the Kardashians). Let’s take a look at just some of the events that took place in the year 2011.

1.       The Royal Wedding – Many people thought this was over sensationalized but on a personal note, I viewed it as witnessing history. Since the untimely death of the Princess herself, Diana, her sons Princes William and Harry have had the world watch them grow from young boys into the very respectable men they have become. People from all over the world watched as Kate Middleton lived out the dream of almost every little girl. 

2.       The Joke Wedding (Oh I’m sorry – The Kardashian Wedding) – Then we have this joke of a wedding that is now thought to be a publicity stunt. Kim Kardashian wouldn’t even be famous of not for her “LEAKED” sex tape. After a whirlwind engagement, Kim married Kris Humphries in an over-the-top spectacle and filed for divorce just a short 72 days later, citing “irreconcilable differences.” Are you kidding? People argue and disagree, especially when the entire world is eyeing up their every move. Seventy-two days is not long enough to reconcile differences sometimes but filing for divorce is not the best solution. Of course we don’t know their whole story but we know everything else about the Kardashian clan, so why not this? What’s an even bigger slap in Humphries’ face is that he found out about the divorce filing through the media – just like everyone else! I say we should all boycott the Kardashians!

3.       The Death of Amy Winehouse – Amy Jade Winehouse passed away on July 23, 2011 as a result of her struggle with drugs and alcohol. Whether you enjoyed her music or not, it is tragic when someone so young succumbs to such an awful disease. If you have never had an addiction or known someone who has, understanding what the sufferer goes through is unimaginable. Just remember, it may have been their choice to start (and many people blame the sufferer because of that reason alone), but we don’t know their reasons for starting. It is important to understand they are struggling and try to be understanding. So, rest in peace, Ms. Winehouse.

4.       Charlie Sheen leaves Two and a Half Men – Charlie Sheen left his show for us only to be stuck with someone just as nauseating – Ashton Kutcher. I used to like that show because Charlie was … well, he was Charlie. 

5.       America’s Heroes, Seal Team 6, brought down America’s Most Wanted – Osama bin Laden was killed by American Forces, ending a decade-long hunt through the mountains of the Middle East. Putting all conspiracy theories and speculation to the side for a moment, the largest manhunt in the world was finally over as the world celebrated his death . President Obama announced that all troops would withdraw by the end of the year, bringing joy to all the families of deployed service members. The saying “Freedom isn't Free” sure rings true. Countless men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice for us to have the very freedoms we take for granted. Please, when you see a man or woman in uniform, take a moment to shake their hand and simply say, “Thank you.”  My husband is a Marine veteran and when people walk up and shake his hand, when we are just out and about, makes him feel like the price he paid is appreciated. Expressing thanks and gratitude makes those deployments a little easier, and reminds them of why they do what they do. God bless America!

I have decided to place a photo of my Marine instead of posting an image memorializing the man who changed The UNITED States of America.


  1. The Royal Wedding = "The BOMB"....The Kardashians = "Enough said"......Amy Winehouse = "Been there done that"--glad you stated it the way you did........2-1/2 Men = "Don't care to watch it anymore".......OUR AMERICAN HEROES = I come from a military family - I cannot even think of words to truly express my thankfulness. Thank you Breanna for speaking frankly.

    1. Shirley, thank you for your comments! You know, if I'm not speaking frankly, I shouldn't be speaking lol!
