
Friday, March 30, 2012


A few months ago I ventured into trying to do yoga. I have fallen in love with this practice and think everyone should give it a try. It is low impact and focuses on breathing versus power and strength. You do not need to be Superman or Wonder Woman to do this. You just need to know how to breathe ;)

A couple years ago I ruptured a disk in my back which has been extremely debilitating for me and limits what kinds of exercises or activities I am able to do. Discovering yoga was the best thing I could have come across and tried. Now don’t get me wrong, some of the poses and positions are hard, and I am still not able to do all of the reps in a set yet, but I am getting better and the moves are becoming easier for me the more I do this workout.

What is amazing about yoga is that you can feel how your body is going to look as you continue to do this. Your body tightens and I find myself holding in and tightening my abs for several days after each workout. I go several days in between workouts just to make sure my back will be able to hold up but I am working into doing this more frequently as my body is now demanding more. This is also a fantastic stress reliever! Because you are focusing on breathing and pushing energy through your body, you are not thinking of the things that are weighing you down. I close my eyes, listen to Jillian, and focus my breathing on my movements.

If you have never tried it, try it! I work out to Jillian Michaels but you could use any yoga DVD or online video to work to. I prefer Jillian because she is tough but very encouraging and motivating. She is the type of personality that works well with mine and she pushes me to dig deeper and work through some of the tougher poses.

So even if you do not need or want to lose weight or tone your body, at least try this if you are experiencing some stress in your life. We all have those days where we think we cannot handle anymore and that it would be easier to give up. I have those days. More often than not, I think, but that’s part of why I love yoga so much. TRY IT! You won’t be sorry you did! You can buy her DVD which as a beginner workout and an intermediate one ($9 at Walmart) or you can buy her 30-Day Shred DVD which comes with a mat and dumbbells for $14. I bought both and will be starting the 30-Day Shred shortly. I have another plan I am working on as well so I have to sit down and plan the workouts so they are not clashing with one another.

The 30-Day Shred I hear is an ass-kicker so wish me luck! I will keep you posted on my progress and hope you will join me in the journey to get fit! My next post will consist of goals I have set for myself and then I will continue to update on my progress throughout the journey of getting fit.

Won’t you join me?!

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