
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It must be love!

Tonight we are experimenting with a new recipe. Well, I should really say that my husband is experimenting. I was mad at him yesterday so he cooked, cleaned up, and took care of the darn zoo we have in this house, while I … well, frankly I did nothing. It was a point that I needed him to see how hard it is and I am not talking to hear my own voice.

The good that came out of it was I haven’t had to cook in 2 days and he has learned how much fun cooking really is! He’s great at it and I hope he does it more often. Of course I would be only telling half-truths if I said it was only because the food was good; I have to admit that I enjoyed working on switching the Christmas trees around and playing with the kids while he was bangin’ and clangin’ in the kitchen. This could be a very harmonious relationship! =)

I will be sure to pass along this recipe along with family reviews!

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