
Monday, July 16, 2012

Mama's Boys

              I have 2 biological children and 3 stepchildren. I have been blessed biologically with a boy and a girl – the very best of both worlds! – but there is a difference between the bonds I have for each of them. One is not stronger or better than the other; they are just different. My daughter is now 10 years old and I am no longer someone she sees as a “friend” or, what my mom always said, my buddy. She now views me as “Mom” and that’s it. Granted, when she was small, she would hug me and kiss me all the time but not so much now that it’s just not cool to kiss your mom in public.

                My boy is still a baby to me (he just turned 3) and boy oh boy does he ever love his mama. He runs to me when I come home from work and throws his arms around me. I love that so much. Sometimes I wonder if this bond feels so different because I almost lost him when he was born (he has Cerebral Palsy and a whole other slew of health problems), or if it is because my life was different when I had him, or just because little boys are so darn precious. Whatever the reason, there is something special about the bond I have with him. Because of this bond with him, I have decided to write a few rules or tips for Moms and their boys.

1.       Let him be tough – Let him bang on his trucks or get him a play tool set, fully equipped with hammer and drill. He will want to be tough like his daddy … let him. Boys look up to the men in their lives and this is an important role that Dad plays. If Dad is not present, as is the case in some families, this is where brothers or Grandpas take part.
2.       It is okay to let him play with dolls – Many moms (and more dads) disagree with this but playing with dolls teaches him how to hold babies and care for tiny and precious things.
3.       Talk to him about everythingTalk to him. Tell him what you are doing when you are in the kitchen or when you are doing laundry. Explain to him … well, explain everything. Even if he is itty-bitty, he will absorb your words. But don’t just tell him what you are doing, explain WHY you are doing it, and tell him the consequence of not taking that action.
4.       Teach him consequences – For every action there is a reaction. This applies to everything in his life. If he works hard at school and gets good grades, he will have a better chance at a better college. If he gets into a better college, he will be more likely to land a good job and will be able to support himself. If he gets poor grades, the opposite with happen. If you believe in Karma, this comes into play here also. If you want good things to happen to you, do good things for others, or for the world.
5.       Teach him about finances – Teach him to save money and be frugal yet spontaneous. He needs to know how to budget his money and save for emergencies but he also needs to know that it is okay to spend money on things that he wants. He will need to know the difference between needs and wants, but once everything is taken care of that he needs, he can get the things he wants.
6.       He needs to know how to cook and clean – Knowing how to take care of your own home is something that should start early. Kids as young as 2 years old can start helping out around the house. Starting at an early age can help buffer some of the shock of a 12 year old just now having to start washing dishes or doing laundry. He may buck against you now but he (or at least his wife!) will appreciate it later in life.
7.       Home-cooked meals are always the better choice – I was raised with a home-cooked meal every day when I was younger and I do that for my family. We have all the food groups and sit at the table together. Even if he is cooking for one, it does not take much to peel a couple potatoes and bake a piece of chicken. It is so much healthier and satisfying than a t.v. dinner or take-out. Not to mention, it is easier on the stomach as much as it is easier on the wallet.
8.       Be his biggest fan and loudest cheerleader – He will look to you for encouragement in sports, in school, and life in general. Let your pride emanate through your eyes and your smile. Encourage him to keep up the great work and to always do his best.
9.       Let him fall – And that he will do. Many times. Sometimes it hurts to see him fall or fail but it is important for him to learn to pick himself back up. You can be there to encourage him but do it from the sidelines. The worst thing you can do is enable him or coddle him. Teach him to learn from that fall and teach him how to make sure he has proper footing so as to not make the same mistake again.
10.   Get him a dog – Dogs are a man’s best friend. He will need to walk the dog to keep him healthy; provide fresh food and water; love and care for it; and the responsibility of caring for something that is dependent upon him.
11.   KISS HIM … LOTS!! Steal kisses every chance you get. No matter how old he is, kiss him. You’re his mom. You made those cheeks. It is your God-given right to kiss them at your will J .  He may scoff at you when he is in front of his friends or in front of his new girlfriend, but he will secretly love it.
12.   Encourage friendships with both males and females – Having healthy relationships with members of both sexes will help him be more rounded as an individual. He will learn that women are different than men and cannot be lumped all together into one.
13.   Be assertive but not bossy – Being assertive will help him get the things he wants out of life but being bossy will make him ugly. Nobody likes a bossy person. He will need to know the difference between the two in order to be successful.
14.   Have fun – It is just as important to have fun as it is to be responsible. There needs to be a certain degree in both but he needs to be able to let loose and have some fun. This is, after all, the only life we get. We must make the best of it. Teach him the importance of traveling to the places he wants to see, tasting different foods especially from different cultures, playing games, and laughing. Teach that there can be fun in everything he does.
15.   No matter where he goes, you will be there – Whether he’s down the block or on the other side of the world, he will never be alone. You will be there in his heart and in his corner rooting for him. Because of all those things you taught him while growing up, he will know what to do. He will feel your guidance and your quiet words in the back of his mind steering him in the right direction. Make sure he knows that he will never ever be alone.

Remember Moms, no matter how old your baby boy is, he will still be your baby boy. Teach him these things and trust that you have done a fine job. It may not always seem like it but no one ever said being a mom is easy … and I don’t know one mom who is perfect. Although my mom likes to say that she is as close to perfect as one can get J

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